Questions that every business should ask managed services providers
BrandPost Acronis

Questions that every business should ask managed services providers

Ever-evolving cybersecurity threats and infrastructure complexity can make it difficult for small IT teams to keep up. Managed services providers can help.

SMB Best Practices: Questions to Ask Before Contracting With a Security Services Provider
BrandPost Acronis

SMB Best Practices: Questions to Ask Before Contracting With a Security Services Provider

Do your due diligence and research around how managed security services providers protect your data and your business. Here are considerations to take into account.

Small Business Best Practices: How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Cybersecurity
BrandPost Acronis

Small Business Best Practices: How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in Cybersecurity

] Security threats are rising, but you’re struggling to get a bump in your security budget. Here are some strategies to prove investment is necessary.

The SMB Guide to Securing Employee Personal Devices
BrandPost Acronis

The SMB Guide to Securing Employee Personal Devices

Employees want to use their personal devices for work, and while it may save on the IT hardware budget, it can create security risks.

Keeping Mac Users Safe: Security Tips for Small and Midsize Businesses
BrandPost Acronis

Keeping Mac Users Safe: Security Tips for Small and Midsize Businesses

There’s a misperception that macOS and iOS devices are immune to cyberthreats, but that’s clearly not the case.

Security Priorities for 2022: What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know
BrandPost Acronis

Security Priorities for 2022: What Small and Midsize Businesses Need to Know

Whether your organization is increasing its security spending or not, there are steps you can take to improve overall security posture.

Disaster recovery: Hitting the data protection home run
BrandPost Acronis

Disaster recovery: Hitting the data protection home run

Organizations need both backup and disaster recovery for business continuity.

Preparing for a technology supply-chain attack
BrandPost Acronis

Preparing for a technology supply-chain attack

The lessons of 2021 are clear: Cybercriminals are getting more sophisticated, so small and midsize businesses must step up cybersecurity efforts.

 Small and midsize businesses  can mitigate security risks with patch management
BrandPost Acronis

Small and midsize businesses can mitigate security risks with patch management

Although software patch management can be time consuming, it’s a critical and foundational necessity.

Human errors cause significant IT security problems for small businesses
BrandPost Acronis

Human errors cause significant IT security problems for small businesses

An employee accidentally clicking a phishing link can have serious ramifications. Here’s how to protect your business.

Cyberattack evolution: What small businesses need to know
BrandPost Acronis

Cyberattack evolution: What small businesses need to know

Cybercriminals are constantly adapting their techniques, making it necessary for organizations to remain on alert

Cyberthreats are big trouble for small businesses
BrandPost Acronis

Cyberthreats are big trouble for small businesses

Knowing what’s out there is critical to avoiding business disruptions that can have serious consequences for small and medium-sized businesses.