Foldable smartphones are important, even if you never get one

Foldable smartphones are important, even if you never get one

With smartphone sales soft this year in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, innovation matters more than ever.

What Apple’s Mac move away from Intel means to the enterprise

What Apple’s Mac move away from Intel means to the enterprise

Companies that deploy Macs in production environments need to assess what the new platform means for their workforce. While Apple believes few glitches will occur as it moves macOS to new silicon, disruptions could still occur.

How gaming can save high-end smartphones

How gaming can save high-end smartphones

The smartphone market, especially at the high end, is slowing down as we reach market maturity. Gaming, however, might be the key to stimulating growth.

Samsung’s Galaxy Fold: Bright future or dead end?

Samsung’s Galaxy Fold: Bright future or dead end?

Samsung finally announced it is shipping its Galaxy Fold, coming to AT&T and T-Mobile on April 26. Who will this device appeal to and will it be successful?

Mobile World Congress 2019: Where smartphone battles unfolded

Mobile World Congress 2019: Where smartphone battles unfolded

Beyond the impressive new smartphone tech that we saw at Mobile World Congress, what does it all mean for the future of mainstream devices and average users?

Enterprise mobile management: Where do we go from here?

Enterprise mobile management: Where do we go from here?

Traditional mobile management is dead. There is a new era of device management coming, and you better get ready for it.

Why mobile devices must have AI

Why mobile devices must have AI

Mobile devices powered with artificial intelligence (AI) is not an if -- it’s a when. Without AI, the increasing complexity of our devices will become overwhelming.

Is your company part of the GDPR 'mobile loophole'?

Is your company part of the GDPR 'mobile loophole'?

Europe is leading the way in privacy protection with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). But most companies are not focused on what it means for their mobile workers.

Location-based services move beyond mobile and into enterprise apps

Location-based services move beyond mobile and into enterprise apps

The ability to access location-based services (LBS) via a real-time API/SDK is critical to making future services and applications useful, especially in business.

2018 will be the year of 'smart' in mobile

2018 will be the year of 'smart' in mobile

The next phase of smartphone differentiation will be about increasing the "smart."

Microsoft's plan to sell more Windows S devices

Microsoft's plan to sell more Windows S devices

Microsoft is looking to regain momentum in the expanding mobile workforce that often has not been on a Microsoft platform.

iPhone X vs. Galaxy Note 8: The battle of the $1,000 smartphones

iPhone X vs. Galaxy Note 8: The battle of the $1,000 smartphones

Comparing the enterprise features in the Apple iPhone X with those in the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, this blogger gives the edge to the Galaxy Note 8.

11 tech breakthroughs that led to today’s smartphones

11 tech breakthroughs that led to today’s smartphones

With the imminent release of the next generation of iPhones, let's look at what early pioneers did to get us to where we are today

Don't be so quick to think Intel is abandoning the Internet of Things

Don't be so quick to think Intel is abandoning the Internet of Things

Intel has relatively quietly cancelled several of its Internet of Things (IoT) offerings. But that's not the whole story.

A tale of two Microsofts

A tale of two Microsofts

It was the best of times, it was the “not so great” of times...

Can Intel win in 5G?

Can Intel win in 5G?

The battle for the modems that power mobile devices is intense and shows no sign of letting up as we move towards 5G. But success for Intel may not take the traditional path.

Can Dell change endpoint security?

Can Dell change endpoint security?

Traditional PC security is failing most companies, and a new approach is required if enterprises are to be protected. Can PC vendors like Dell dramatically improve endpoint security?

Is a Microsoft WinBook coming?

ChromeBooks have been very popular devices within certain markets like education. Can Microsoft grab a share of this market with its own WinBook?

What Sears' recent troubles could tell us about Amazon's future

What Sears' recent troubles could tell us about Amazon's future

Sears was once THE powerhouse in retailing. Can its recent fall from grace provide any insights for current e-retailers?

While Microsoft stacks the cloud, Google readies its next play

While Microsoft stacks the cloud, Google readies its next play

The battle for cloud-based enterprise productivity and back office apps is heating up. While the majority of companies will spend many years (if ever) before they are fully divested of on-premises solutions, that's not stopping an...

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