Mobile Security

Mobile Security | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Android Security Settings
Android Privacy Feature

data keys encryption password by gerd altmann cc0 via pixabay

The best Android password managers

Not all Android password managers are created equal — so which one makes the most sense for you?

spyware alert notification

Italian spyware firm is hacking into iOS and Android devices, Google says

RCS Lab spyware uses known exploits to install harmful payloads and steal private user data, according to a Google report.

Computerworld - Mobile Application Madness [cover]

How to manage mobile app madness

Enterprise demand for mobile apps is outstripping IT's ability to keep up. Here are several strategies for coping.

Computerworld Digital Spotlight, Fall 2014: Mobile Security [cover]

Getting smart about mobile security

Here's how to give your employees the tools, training and techniques to keep your corporate data safe.

Computerworld Digital Spotlight, Summer 2014: BYOD Consumerization [cover]

BYOD morphs from lockdown to true mobility

Companies that have been at BYOD for a while reveal how their programs have changed with the times. One key takeaway: Don't expect to save bundles of money.

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