
Android app - Google Now
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Android multitasking

Give yourself a magnificent new Android multitasking shortcut

This supremely simple enhancement will add awesome power into your device's screen-splitting system and send your productivity soaring.

Windows 10, Windows 11 dark mode

5 dark mode upgrades for your Windows 10 or 11 PC

Microsoft is slowly making dark mode better on Windows, but these tips will give your dark mode a big upgrade today.

Android Camera Vulnerability

3 Android camera shortcuts that make iPhones look amusingly antiquated

Dedicated camera button? We don't need no stinkin' dedicated camera button.

Google Android Circle to Search

How to access Google's Circle to Search smartness on any Android phone today

Google's latest Android innovation is packed with efficiency-enhancing potential — and you don't have to wait for it to show up on your favorite phone.

Android 12 Privacy

3 exceptional Android privacy power-ups

Unlock extra privacy power in your Android web experience with these simple but out of sight enhancements.

Android Dark Mode

A powerful Android dark mode enhancement

Ready to take your Android dark mode experience to a whole new level?

Google Assistant Android memory

Google Assistant's forgotten memory magic

Your Android device has a powerful system for helping you recall almost anything imaginable, but — oh, yes — it's up to you to remember to use it.

Google Assistant Android

2023's top Google Assistant advice for Android

Ready to teach your Android phone's Assistant some spectacular new tricks?

Google Pixel Settings

The top Google Pixel tips of 2023

Give your Google Pixel phone all sorts of extra powers with these top-notch tips from the past 12 months.

Gboard Android Keyboard

4 advanced Gboard adjustments for faster Android typing

Give yourself a smarter, more personalized Android typing experience with these shape-shifting switches for Google's Gboard Android keyboard.

Google Pixel Android 14

Got a Google Pixel? Check out these awesome Android 14 gems

Android 14 may not look like much at first glance, but it's packing some spectacular new possibilities for Google Pixel owners.

Google Calendar Android

14 handy hidden tricks for Google Calendar on Android

Upgrade your agenda with these tucked-away time-savers in the Android Calendar app.

Android Clipboard

Android's hidden clipboard-sharing superpower

Google's got a great way to let you copy text from your phone to a computer, and it's right under your nose — just waiting to be found.

Chrome Android

6 fantastic forgotten features in Google’s Chrome Android browser

Save time and work smarter with these excellent out-of-sight options for Chrome on Android.

Google Chrome Reading Mode

How to activate Chrome's fancy new Android reading enhancer

Who knew the web could look so good?!

Android Standby Mode

20 seconds to extreme Android awesomeness

Waiting for Android 14 to arrive? Try this easy enhancement to bring new life into your existing device in the meantime — no rollouts or high-priced hardware required.

Google Pixel Quick Tap

10 out-of-sight Google Pixel shortcuts worth surfacing

Take 10 seconds to get these hidden Pixel shortcuts in a place where you'll see 'em, and you'll save yourself endless time in the weeks ahead.

Google Android - iPhone 15 Action button

How to create your own iPhone-15-inspired 'Action button' on Android

Got an Android phone — any Android phone? You can give yourself a power-packed custom button that'll make Apple's latest innovation look like child's play.

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