
An empty office has been cleared out with only a moving box remaining.
drone pizza delivery thinkstock

Layoffs  >  A stressed businessman carries away his personal belongings in a cardboard box.

The economics of job cuts; why layoffs continue

It’s important for tech workers to realize that, despite a booming economy in the US, they should still prepare for the possibility of being laid off.

Vision Pro

What to do with your Vision Pro

If you’ve got one of Apple’s Vision Pro headsets, you should be exploring what feeds the emerging ecosystem rather than sitting back watching wall-sized TV.

Binary Russian flag

Microsoft, OpenAI move to fend off genAI-aided hackers — for now

But the fast-evolving technology is already being used to supercharge more tried-and-true attack methods like spear phishing and social engineering.

broadcom sign

Killing VMware

Ever since Broadcom completed its acquisition of VMware last November, customers have been navigating the fallout — and they're not happy.

Vision Pro

Apple’s Vision Pro isn’t a full-fledged Mac replacement — yet

Though Apple is touting its high-tech headset as the world’s first 'spatial computing' platform, for most people it’s more like a technologically advanced proof of concept.

workers / staff / employees / businessmen / corporate cubicles / offices

The hidden high cost of return-to-office mandates

If you force employees to commute and work in an office every day, you can expect to lose your best employees.

A hand flicks on an update switch. [ software update / fix / patch ]

Microsoft fixes two zero-days with Patch Tuesday release

Microsoft pushed out 73 updates in February's Patch Tuesday release, including fixes for two actively exploited zero-day flaws in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange.

A virtual face, constructed of binary code.

Microsoft and the Taylor Swift genAI deepfake problem

The faked images of singer Taylor Swift that showed up online are likely just the beginning of a coming swarm of deepfakes. Don’t look to Microsoft to do much about the problem.

A group discussion takes place in a glass conference room, in a busy office workspace.

Will employees bow down to stricter RTO policies?

Or is the trend to remote work here to stay — and perhaps even expand over time?

Tech Spotlight   >   Analytics [CSO]   >   An image of a bottle of poison emanating binary code.

The AI data-poisoning cat-and-mouse game — this time, IT will win

The IT community is freaking out about AI data poisoning. For some, it’s a sneaky backdoor into enterprise systems as it surreptitiously infects the data LLM systems train on — which then get sucked into enterprise systems.

Teams avatars

Meetings are about to get weird

One by one, the co-workers and clients you meet with will be replaced by cartoon characters.

mdm byod binary mobile phone mobile device compliance

The do-it-yourself approach to MDM

For mobile management, open-source tools can serve as a real option to commercial and managed service provider alternatives.

The Rover

When a customer gets defrauded, should the enterprise reimburse?

The New York Attorney General’s office sued Citibank for failing to reimburse customers victimized by fraud, raising serious issues all enterprises must figure out. When should a customer be reimbursed for fraud? And at what point do...

Vision Pro

Apple's Vision Pro faces an uphill battle

It's pricey, clunky, offers just two hours of battery life, and lacks key app support. But it's also the best mixed-reality headset to date.

Security threat [illustration]  >  A hacker with black hat, mask, and crowbar breaks into a laptop.

Russia hacks Microsoft: It’s worse than you think

This time, hackers attacked corporate execs, not customers. That might finally push the US government to focus on long-ignored security concerns.

The shadow of hand unsettlingly hovers over a keyboard.

OpenAI: Copy, steal, paste

By OpenAI's logic, any work you put online is fair game to be swiped and incorporated into the company's large language models.

A small figure climbs steps among mountain-sized sets of stairs. [paths / directions / choices]

7 ways to leverage genAI for a better career

Not only is it important to learn new IT skills, but understanding generative AI can help protect your job security in a rapidly changing world.

binary target

Regulators probe Microsoft’s OpenAI ties — is it only smoke, or is there fire?

The US, the UK, and the EU are all looking into Microsoft’s connections to ChatGPT creator OpenAI.

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