Data Privacy

Data Privacy | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

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What a future without browser cookies looks like

As Google and others plan to eliminate third-party search and website trackers, other ways of identifying users and discovering their habits will replace them.

Alarm Notfall Signal

Apple accuses UK gov't of ‘unprecedented overreach’ on privacy

Apple warns that proposed UK laws are a “serious and direct threat to data security and information privacy.”

database data center futuristic technology

Failed unsubscribes could be a clue your data's out of control

One of the oldest and most frustrating rules about email spam is that the unsubscribe link never works — all it does is confirm your email address is active. But what if the unsubscribe failure is caused by something far more...

Apple Security Lock

Attacks against personal data are up 300%, Apple warns

Apple says more than 2.6 billion personal records have been exposed in the past two years — and attacks are intensifying. That's why data encryption is so important.

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Q&A: Cisco CIO sees AI embedded in every product and process

After little more than a year on the job, Cisco CIO Fletcher Previn can already see that AI will create productivity and efficiency gains well worth the money spent on developing domain-specific models to address internal and external...

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Biden lays down the law on AI

The White House today issued a long-awaited executive order that hammers out clear rules and oversight measures to ensure artificial intelligence is kept in check, while also providing paths for it to grow.

iPhone iOS App Store

Apple’s latest China App Store problem is a warning for us all

As pressure grows for Apple to support app purchases from outside its App Store, reports the company has fired App Store staffers for 'business misconduct' should send a little chill up your spine.

virtual eye / digital surveillance, privacy / artificial intelligence / machine learning

Homeland Security confirms your privacy is no longer safe

The US Department of Homeland Security reports that multiple US government agencies illegally used smartphone location data, breaching privacy regulations as they did.

Google Bard at Google I/O

Google to block Bard conversations from being indexed on Search

The company said the conversations were being indexed accidentally after an SEO Consultant took to Twitter, now X, to report the issue.

person at laptop using generative ai chatbot by amperespy44 via shutterstock

Q&A: How one CSO secured his environment from generative AI risks

Having a plan in place before deploying genAI for software product development and employee assistance tools is critical, says Navan CSO Prabhath Karanth. Otherwise, the threat potential is high.


Why and how to create corporate genAI policies

Adoption of generative AI is happening at a breakneck pace, but potential threats posed by the technology will require organizations to set up guardrails to protect sensitive data and customer privacy — and to avoid running afoul of...

Introduction to ChatGPT

Zoom goes for a blatant genAI data grab; enterprises, beware (updated)

Zoom stirred up a kerfuffle this month when it amended its terms of service to make execs comfortable that it wouldn’t use Zoom data to train generative AI models. In reality, it was really doing spin control worthy of the sleaziest...

Virtual Reality

As VR headset adoption grows, privacy issues could emerge

UC-Berkeley researchers found that hand and head motion data could be as good as fingerprints and facial scans at identifying users, raising a host of privacy concerns as headset adoption grows.

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UK intelligence agencies seek to weaken data protection safeguards

Following a recent review of the Investigatory Powers Act, intelligence agencies are pushing for the government to create a new class of data set that would be exempt from current levels of judicial oversight.

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EEOC Commissioner: AI system audits might not comply with federal anti-bias laws

The emerging patchwork of laws and regulations governing the use of AI in finding, hiring, and promoting workers serve as reminders that, regardless of the technology in use, a company remains liable for federal civil rights...

Craig Federighi Apple Privacy

Apple toughens up app security with API control

The company's war against device fingerprinting continues.

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Was Steve Jobs right about this?

Unesco report says smartphones should be banned from schools and digital tech should put humans first

Apple iMessage

Apple: Proposed UK law is a ‘serious, direct threat’ to security, privacy

Apple has major concerns about new UK government surveillance laws, which it argues are so over-reaching that tech firms can't possibly meet their requirements.

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