Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols has been writing about technology and the business of technology since CP/M-80 was the cutting-edge PC operating system, 300bps was a fast Internet connection, WordStar was the state-of-the-art word processor, and we liked it!

The death of Internet Explorer: Good riddance to bad rubbish

The death of Internet Explorer: Good riddance to bad rubbish

Microsoft has pulled the plug on support for the IE desktop app. Finally!

Can a four-day-a-week workweek really work?

It's been talked about for ages. And now, with the biggest pilot ever starting in the U.K., we're going to find out whether a four-day workweek actually, uh, works!

Europe gives Apple a smack in the chops on USB-C power standardization

Europe gives Apple a smack in the chops on USB-C power standardization

Deal with it, Apple. By 2024, everyone in the European Union must be offered a USB-C charger for their devices.

Elon Musk is dead wrong about working from home

Just because someone is smart about some things doesn't mean he's smart about everything. And, yes, I'm looking at you, Elon Musk, and your attitude towards people working from home.

Microsoft is building an ARM-powered Windows mini

Microsoft is building an ARM-powered Windows mini

Sometime in 2023, Microsoft will release its first desktop from Project Volterra.

Instead of working from the office or home, why not work from the road?

If you're going to be a digital nomad who wants to work from anywhere, you will need the right internet connection. Say hello to SpaceX Starlink.

The 5 best SMB storage clouds

For simple business storage, you can't beat the cloud. Aye, but which cloud? That is the question.

Chromebooks: Desktops you can trust to be there

When a PC goes south, there’s often little you can do to get back to work. With a Chromebook, if one fails, you just get another one, and you’re back in business.

Apple shows how work-from-home is here to stay

Workers are increasingly making it clear they will not be forced back into the office. Just ask Apple.

It's time to speed up your business network

Now, companies need the fastest possible Internet service more than ever.

The 9-to-5 workday is over

Businesses big and small will have to deal with the demise of the 9-to-5. But beware of worker burnout.

If your managers are stuck in the past, fire them!

Repeat after me: We don't work like we used to anymore — and anyone who can't see that is holding your company back.

We’re one step closer to Windows in the cloud

We’re one step closer to Windows in the cloud

Microsoft is bound and determined to move your old Windows setup to Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). Here are its latest moves.

Why are all those people resigning — and where are they going?

Why are all those people resigning — and where are they going?

We all know workers are fleeing their jobs, but exactly why are they leaving and where are they going anyway? Here are some answers.

As Omicron wanes, where does that leave working from home?

As Omicron wanes, where does that leave working from home?

The trend toward remote work is basically in the same place it was before: it's often still the best option for the best workers.

You can't keep quiet when you're hacked anymore

You can't keep quiet when you're hacked anymore

If you try to hide that your business has been hacked or you've paid ransomware, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency would like a word with you.

Do svidaniya, Kaspersky — goodbye

Do svidaniya, Kaspersky — goodbye

Can you trust a Russian company with your technology? Your security? No — not with Vladimir Putin calling the shots when push comes to shove.

5 ways to save business bucks on the cloud

5 ways to save business bucks on the cloud

Used correctly, the cloud can save your company real money. Used incorrectly, you're just throwing money away.

Phishing e-mails are more prevalent (and dangerous) than ever

Phishing, those malicious e-mails that pretend to be legitimate messages, has been a problem since Canter and Siegel launched the first spam campaign in 1994. (Mea culpa — it seems they learned about this thing called the Internet...

Windows 11: The end of the old-school Windows desktop

Windows 11: The end of the old-school Windows desktop

In the long run, Microsoft wants you to switch to a Desktop-as-a-Service model, and the first steps on this journey may already be in place on your conventional Windows PC . You know it as Windows 11.

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