Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion | News, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos

Tim Cook with Far Out logo

Apple CEO Tim Cook wants more women in tech

Apple CEO Tim Cook has come out swinging, arguing that there are “no good excuses” to explain the continued lack of women in the world’s tech firms.

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Q&A: From parkourist to data analyst — how upskilling launched a tech career

Bailey Shaw, a 23-year-old parkour expert with no tech background or college degree, was able to land an entry-level job with a software vendor where he spent the next year learning low-code development tools. He's now a junior data...

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Q&A: Real estate exec sees '15-minute city' concept migrating from Europe to the US

As companies rethink how to use in-person office space, and in many cases shutter underutilized real estate, newer concepts are taking hold to offer employees daily urban necessities and amenities — all within a 15-minute foot or bike...

Co-workers Smiling

Compensation chasms remain for women, minorities — even as salary gaps close

While pay for employees has normalized over the past few decades, when it comes to gender and race, total compensation gaps are still wide — especially in technology fields.

CSO  >  high-value targets  >  binary targeting of executives

Q&A: Schneider Electric's North American CIO on how her company attracts, retains talent

Schneider Electric, a Fortune Global 500 company that specializes in digital automation and energy management, has created multiple programs to attract and retain employees — especially millennial and Gen Z workers.

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How to master the diversity hiring challenge

It’s not often that you see two cybersecurity vendor CEOs agree on an issue — and yet get into a very public insult-fest with each other. Then again, this did start at RSA, so anything is possible.

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How AI can give companies a DEI boost

Artificial intelligence has a spotty past when it comes to diversity, equity, and inclusion, but more carefully crafted tools can point out, rather than perpetuate, bias in the workplace.

Apple accessibility 2022

Apple boosts diversity with its latest accessibility tools

Apple’s latest accessibility features gives us a sense of new ways in which tech and humans can augment each other.

Team member extends all hands in for a huddle. [unity / teamwork / trust / diversity / inclusion]

Q&A: What tech firms can do to grow their Black workforce

Research firm Jobs for the Future surveyed more than 1,000 Black adults and analyzed 200 organizations with successful strategies for hiring Black tech workers. JFF vice president and report lead author Michael Collins discusses the...

Team member extends all hands in for a huddle. [unity / teamwork / trust / diversity / inclusion]

How Lenovo IT boosts diversity and inclusion

The tech giant has broadened its recruiting efforts and improved the onboarding process with an eye to effectively bringing on tech workers from a wide variety of backgrounds.

building a more collaborative workplace

Women, minorities less inclined to return to office, face 'proximity bias'

Minorities and women are less enthused about a return to the office full time because of caretaker responsibilities, concerns about safety and security, and feelings of inclusion, a recent survey found.

Hands type on a laptop keyboard.

Could the post-pandemic, hybrid workplace boost gender equality?

While flexible work polices have been praised for bolstering diversity in the workforce, when it comes to gender parity, it's unclear how much they'll help.

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Diversity in IT: To hire Black tech pros, partnerships are key

Employers looking to diversify their IT workforce have found success partnering with Black-oriented professional groups and educational organizations that seek to create diversity in tech.

Hands hold a face mask saying, 'We need a change.'  [diversity / inclusion/ allyship / anti-racism]

Report: US Black workers in tech switch jobs more often, feel less connected

Findings from a new report by Russell Reynolds Associates and Valence found that Black tech workers still face systematic workplace barriers.

Team member extends all hands in for a huddle. [unity / teamwork / trust / diversity / inclusion]

Diversity, equity, and inclusion: How Australian IT is doing

While diversity and inclusion are common discussion topics, addressing them may not be as simple as some think. But trying to solve all diversity measures at once could be a recipe for disaster, experts say.

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Tech’s growth leaves Black professionals further behind

A Conference Board report says African Americans face large disadvantages in getting tech jobs and being paid well for their work — just as other Black-heavy industries see shrinking employment.

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Tech wages: Women, minorities still paid less in 2020

A survey of tech firms in the US, UK, and Canada shows that the wage gaps with white men are decreasing for new hires, but many existing employees lost ground in several segments.

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Australia is a long way from gender equality in tech and other STEM fields

A federal government monitor of gender equality showed a very slow growth of women studying and working in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

woman using a laptop stands outside a server room / data center / coder / developer / programmer

How to hire and retain Black tech pros — for real

Turning diversity intentions into reality means going outside your comfort zone and making a sustained effort engage, honor, and understand the African American community.

A man using Windows on a Microsoft Surface tablet with a stylus.

Where to find and recruit Black tech pros

Don’t believe the myth that there’s a shortage of qualified Black IT workers. Black tech talent abounds, if you truly reach into the African American community.