Grant Gross

Senior Editor

Grant Gross edits and assigns stories and writes about technology and telecom policy in the U.S. government for the IDG News Service. He is based outside of Washington, D.C.

FCC chairman plans to 'reverse the mistake' of net neutrality

FCC chairman plans to 'reverse the mistake' of net neutrality

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission will vote May 18 to kick off a proceeding to "reverse the mistake" of the agency's 2-year-old net neutrality rules, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai said.

FCC chairman to announce plans to repeal net neutrality

The chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission is expected to announce plans to repeal the agency's 2015 net neutrality rules on Wednesday.

FCC ends price caps on many business data lines

FCC ends price caps on many business data lines

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has voted to deregulate the providers of the business data lines connecting broadband service to many small businesses, schools, hospitals and ATM machines.

US FCC ends price caps on many business data lines

US FCC ends price caps on many business data lines

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has voted to deregulate the providers of the business data lines connecting broadband service to many small businesses, schools, hospitals, and ATM machines.

FCC's deregulation of business data lines could mean a price hike

FCC's deregulation of business data lines could mean a price hike

If you operate a small or medium-sized U.S. business, you can expect to pay more for broadband services in the near future because the U.S. Federal Communications Commission plans to deregulate providers of business data lines,...

US FCC kills plan to allow mobile phone conversations on flights

On Monday, the U.S. Federal Communications Commission killed a plan to allow mobile phone calls during commercial airline flights.

FCC kills plan to allow mobile phone conversations on flights

On Monday, the Federal Communications Commission killed a plan to allow mobile phone calls during commercial airline flights.

Spain arrests accused Russian spammer at US request

The arrest of Piotr Levashov at the Barcelona airport on Friday was not tied to Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, one source close to the investigation said.

US lawmakers demand to know how many residents are under surveillance

US lawmakers demand to know how many residents are under surveillance

Two powerful U.S. lawmakers are pushing President Donald Trump administration's to tell them how many of the country's residents are under surveillance by the National Security Agency.

US trade lobbying group attacked by suspected Chinese hackers

A group of what appears to be Chinese hackers infiltrated a U.S. trade-focused lobbying group as the two countries wrestle with how they treat imports of each other's goods and services.

Politicians' web browsing history targeted after privacy vote

Two GoFundMe campaigns have raised more than US$290,000 in an effort to buy the web browsing histories of U.S. politicians after Congress voted to allow broadband providers to sell customers' personal information without their...

Senator: Russia used 'thousands' of internet trolls during US election

Senator: Russia used 'thousands' of internet trolls during US election

The Russian government used "thousands" of internet trolls and bots to spread fake news, in addition to hacking into political campaigns leading up to the 2016 U.S. election, one senator said.

China Oceanwide completes its purchase of IDG

China Oceanwide completes its purchase of IDG

The sale of tech publishing pioneer International Data Group to China Oceanwide Holdings Group and China-based IDG Capital has closed, the companies said Wednesday.

Privacy advocates plan to fight Congress' repeal of ISP privacy rules

Privacy advocates plan to fight Congress' repeal of ISP privacy rules

Privacy advocates haven't given up the fight after the U.S. Congress has voted to allow ISPs to sell customers' browsing histories and other personal information without their permission.

U.S. lawmakers question police use of facial recognition tech

U.S. lawmakers question police use of facial recognition tech

U.S. lawmakers plan to introduce legislation to limit the FBI's and other law enforcement use of facial recognition technology after concerns about the mass collection of photographs in police databases.

FBI confirms probe of Russian hack of U.S. election, possible Trump involvement

FBI confirms probe of Russian hack of U.S. election, possible Trump involvement

The FBI is actively investigating Russia's attempts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible cooperation from President Donald Trump's campaign, agency director James Comey confirmed.

FBI looks into Russian hack of US election, possible Trump involvement

FBI looks into Russian hack of US election, possible Trump involvement

The FBI is actively investigating Russia's attempts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election and possible cooperation from President Donald Trump's campaign, agency director James Comey confirmed.

The NSA's foreign surveillance: 5 things to know

The NSA's foreign surveillance: 5 things to know

A contentious piece of U.S. law giving the National Security Agency broad authority to spy on people overseas expires at the end of the year.

Assange: CIA had lost control of its cyberweapon documents

Assange: CIA had lost control of its cyberweapon documents

Information about purported CIA cyberattacks was "passed around" among members of the U.S. intelligence community and contractors before it was published by WikiLeaks this week, Julian Assange says.

Senators push FCC to keep its net neutrality rules

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission should reverse course and keep the net neutrality rules it passed just two years ago, several Democratic senators said Wednesday.

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