Generative AI isn't the answer to all your business needs
ChatGPT and the like represent intriguing technology but are far from perfect. And they're definitely not going to solve your business woes.
Is this the end of non-compete contracts?
The US Federal Trade Commission wants to ban non-compete agreements. That's a great idea in my book.
The office is dead
Forget the ongoing debate about remote work or hybrid workplaces. It's time to proclaim: "Long live working from home."
Fred Brooks is gone, but his IT management lessons will live forever
The author of the classic software management book, "The Mythical Man-Month," passed away recently. To honor his memory, we should finally start applying his lessons.
Should you let workers know the salaries you pay?
In New York City, it's now the law to post salaries. But that doesn't mean would-be employees are really getting accurate information. So for your sake, be upfront with them.
Working from home is here to stay
Ignore the skeptics saying that to really get work done, you have to be back in the office. They're dead wrong.
Big clouds aren't always the right fit for small businesses
Sometimes, you need just the basics from a smaller cloud provider for your SMB needs.
Where SMBs are with the cloud
While many small businesses still rely on in-house servers, they're also moving quickly into the cloud.
There's still a role for small business servers
Yes, cloud-based options are great, but office servers can still be your best business choice.
Old PCs can find new life with Google ChromeOS Flex
Do you have Macs and PCs from the last ten years running outdated OSes or gathering dust? Want to use them with a modern, safe operating system? It's time to check out Google ChromeOS Flex.
Where, oh where are the new hires?
Do you need new employees? Join the crowd. Half of all small businesses are looking for staffers.
Yes, you can avoid 2022's business travel miseries
Business travel, especially by air, has become more of a pain than ever, but there are ways to avoid some of the problems.
The dangers of embracing cryptocurrency
Do not invest company assets in crypto, hoping for a big score to keep the lights on in tough times. It's a scam.
Can a four-day-a-week workweek really work?
It's been talked about for ages. And now, with the biggest pilot ever starting in the U.K., we're going to find out whether a four-day workweek actually, uh, works!
Elon Musk is dead wrong about working from home
Just because someone is smart about some things doesn't mean he's smart about everything. And, yes, I'm looking at you, Elon Musk, and your attitude towards people working from home.
Instead of working from the office or home, why not work from the road?
If you're going to be a digital nomad who wants to work from anywhere, you will need the right internet connection. Say hello to SpaceX Starlink.
The 5 best SMB storage clouds
For simple business storage, you can't beat the cloud. Aye, but which cloud? That is the question.
Chromebooks: Desktops you can trust to be there
When a PC goes south, there’s often little you can do to get back to work. With a Chromebook, if one fails, you just get another one, and you’re back in business.
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