Outlook 2010 cheat sheet: Quick reference charts

New to Microsoft Outlook 2010? Find your favorite commands from earlier versions of Outlook with these charts.

Related Topics

These charts accompany our story Outlook 2010 cheat sheet. Click through to that story for detailed information on getting up and running with Outlook 2010.

With its Ribbon interface, Outlook 2010 represents a big jump for Outlook 2003 users, who may have difficulty finding their favorite menu and toolbar commands in the Ribbon. And because Outlook 2007 used the Ribbon in some windows (such as message windows) but stuck to the old menu/toolbar interface in the main window, users who are upgrading from that version might also have trouble finding some commands in Outlook 2010. These quick reference charts can help.

We list the most commonly used Outlook commands in the Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks applications and tell you where to find them in Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010. We've also included the Outlook 2010 keyboard shortcuts for all the commands, many of which are the same as in earlier versions. (For a full listing of every menu and submenu item, see Microsoft's Office 2010 website.)

See:  Mail  |  Calendar  |  Contacts  |  Tasks

Mail commands

Action    Outlook 2003 location    Outlook 2007 location    Outlook 2010 location    Outlook 2010 keyboard shortcut
Composing messages
Start new email message  

Standard toolbar > New button


File menu > New

Same as in Outlook 2003 (in main window)


Office button > New Mail Message (in message window)
  Home tab > New group > New E-mail button   Ctrl-N

Standard toolbar > Reply button


Actions menu > Reply

Same as in Outlook 2003 (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Reply button (in message window)

Quick Access toolbar > Reply button


Home tab > Respond group > Reply button (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Reply button (in message window)
Reply to all  

Standard toolbar > Reply to All button


Actions menu > Reply to All

Same as in Outlook 2003 (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Reply to All button (in message window)

Home tab > Respond group > Reply All button (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Reply All button (in message window)
Forward   Standard toolbar > Forward button  

Same as in Outlook 2003 (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Forward button (in message window)

Home tab > Respond group > Forward button (in main window)


Message tab > Respond group > Forward button (in message window)
Open Address Book   Standard toolbar > Address Book button  

Same as in Outlook 2003 (in main window)


Message tab > Names group > Address Book button (in message window)
  Message tab > Names group > Address Book button (in message window)   Ctrl-Shift-B
Attach a file   Standard toolbar > Attach button > Insert File   Message tab > Include group > Attach File button   Message tab > Include group > Attach File button (in message window)   Alt-H, AF
Save message as draft  

File menu > Save


Formatting toolbar > Save

Quick Access toolbar > Save button


Office button > Save

Quick Access toolbar > Save button


File tab > Save
Send message   Standard toolbar > Send button   Message composition area > Send button   Message composition area > Send button   Alt-S or Ctrl-Enter
Mark as high importance   Standard toolbar > High Importance button   Message tab > Options group > High Importance   Message tab > Tags group > High Importance    
Format text   Formatting toolbar > various buttons  

Message tab > Basic Text group > various buttons

or for more options:

Format Text tab > various buttons

Message tab > Basic Text group > various buttons

or for more options:

Format Text tab > various buttons
Insert date and time   Insert menu > Date and Time   Insert tab > Text group > Date & Time   Insert tab > Text group > Date & Time   Alt-N, D
Insert AutoText   Insert menu > AutoText   Insert tab > Text group > Quick Parts   Insert tab > Text group > Quick Parts > AutoText   Alt-N, QA
Insert image   Insert menu > Picture > choose a picture type   Insert tab > Illustrations group > choose an illustration type   Insert tab > Illustrations group > choose an illustration type   Alt-N, [letter depends on type of art inserted]
Insert hyperlink   Insert menu > Hyperlink   Insert tab > Links group > Hyperlink   Insert tab > Links group > Hyperlink   Ctrl-K
Add signature   Standard toolbar > Options button > E-mail Signature   Message tab > Include group > Signature button   Message tab > Include group > Signature button   Alt-H, AS
Spell check   Tools menu > Spelling and Grammar   Message tab > Proofing group > Spelling button > Spelling & Grammar   Review tab > Proofing group > Spelling & Grammar   F7
Thesaurus   Tools menu > Language > Thesaurus   Message tab > Proofing group > Spelling button > Thesaurus   Review tab > Proofing group > Spelling & Grammar   Shift-F7
AutoCorrect Options   Tools menu > AutoCorrect Options   Office button > Editor Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options   File tab > Options > Proofing > AutoCorrect Options   Alt-F, T, Alt-S
Managing messages
Send/Receive all folders   Standard toolbar > Send/Receive button   Standard toolbar > Send/Receive button  

Quick Access toolbar > Send/Receive All Folders button


Send/Receive tab > Send & Receive group > Send/Receive All Folders button
  F9 or Ctrl-M

File menu > Print


Formatting toolbar > Print

File menu > Print (in main window)


Office button > Print (in message window)
  File tab > Print   Ctrl-P
Delete   Standard toolbar > Delete button  

Standard toolbar > Delete button (in main window)


Message tab > Actions group > Delete button (in message window)

Home tab > Delete group > Delete (in main window)


Message tab > Delete group > Delete button (in message window)
Search messages   Standard toolbar > Find button   Type keywords in search box at top of main content area   Type keywords in search box at top of main content area   F3 or Ctrl-E
Mark message as read   Edit menu > Mark as Read   Edit menu > Mark as Read   Home tab > Tags group > Unread/Read button   Ctrl-Q
Mark message as unread   Edit menu > Mark as Unread   Edit menu > Mark as Unread  

Home tab > Tags group > Unread/Read button (in main window)


Message tab > Tags group > Mark Unread button (in message window)
Label/categorize message   Edit menu > Label  

Edit menu > Categorize (in main window)


Message tab > Options group > Categorize button (in message window)

Home tab > Tags group > Categorize button (in main window)


Message tab > Tags group > Categorize button (in message window)
  Alt-H, G
Flag for follow-up  

Actions menu > Follow Up (in main window)


Standard toolbar > Flag icon (in message window)

Actions menu > Follow Up (in main window)


Message tab > Options group > Follow Up button (in message window)

Home tab > Tags group > Follow Up button (in main window)


Message tab > Tags group > Follow Up (in message window)
Move to folder   Edit menu > Move to Folder  

Edit menu > Move to Folder (in main window)


Message tab > Actions group > Move to Folder button (in message window)

Home tab > Move group > Move button (in main window)


Message tab > Move group > Move button (in message window)
  Alt-H, MV
Create rule   Standard toolbar > Create Rule button  

Standard toolbar > Create Rule button (in main window)


Message tab > Actions group > Create Rule button (in message window)

Home tab > Move group > Rules button > Create Rule (in main window)


Message tab > Move group > Rules button > Create Rule (in message window)
  Alt-H, RR, U
Manage rules   Tools menu > Rules and Alerts   Tools menu > Rules and Alerts   Home tab > Move group > Rules button > Manage Rules & Alerts   Alt-H, RR, L
Junk email options   Actions menu > Junk E-mail > Junk E-mail Options   Actions menu > Junk E-mail > Junk E-mail Options  

Home tab > Delete group > Junk > Junk E-mail Options (in main window)


Message tab > Delete group > Junk > Junk E-mail Options (in message window)
  Alt-H, JO
Options   Tools menu > Options   Tools menu > Options   File tab > Options   Alt-F, T

See:  Mail  |  Calendar  |  Contacts  |  Tasks

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