Outlook 2010 cheat sheet

How to find your way around Microsoft Outlook 2010 and make the most of its new features

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4. Find your old friends

The full integration of the Ribbon in Outlook 2010 means that you might have a hard time locating many of your favorite commands from earlier versions of Outlook. Use our quick reference charts for an extensive list of where to find your old friends in the newest version of Outlook.

5. Use keyboard shortcuts

If you're a keyboard-centric kind of person who prefers typing to clicking, there are plenty of keyboard shortcuts for you in Outlook 2010. We've included several of the most useful at the bottom of the page.

You can also use a clever set of keyboard shortcuts for working with the Ribbon. Press the Alt key and a tiny letter or number icon will appear on the menu for each tab -- for example, the letter H for the Home tab. Now press that letter on your keyboard, and you'll display that tab or menu item.

Once you've started to learn these shortcuts, you'll naturally begin using key combinations. So instead of pressing Alt then H to display the Home tab, you can press Alt-H together.

Outlook 2010 Alt key shortcuts
Using the Alt key helps you master the Ribbon with your keyboard.

The screenshot to the right shows the most useful Alt key combinations in Outlook 2010.

For more nifty keyboard shortcuts, see the table below. And even more shortcuts are listed on Microsoft's Office 2010 site.

Next: Outlook 2010 quick reference charts

More useful keyboard shortcuts in Outlook 2010

Key combination Action
Navigation shortcuts
Ctrl-1 Go to Mail
Ctrl-2 Go to Calendar
Ctrl-3 Go to Contacts
Ctrl-4 Go to Tasks
Ctrl-5 Go to Notes
Ctrl-6 Go to the Folder List in the Navigation Pane
Ctrl-7 Go to Shortcuts
Ctrl-. (period) Go to the next message (when you have a message open)
Ctrl-, (comma) Go to the previous message (when you have a message open)
F6 Move between the Navigation pane, the main Outlook window, the Reading pane, the To-Do bar, and the access keys in the Outlook Ribbon
Tab Move between the main Outlook window, the smaller panes in the Navigation pane, the Reading pane, and sections in the To-Do bar
Arrow keys Move around within the Navigation pane
Ctrl-Y Go to a different folder
F3 or Ctrl-E Go to the Search box
Alt-Up arrow or Alt-Page Up In the Reading pane, go to the previous message
Alt-Down arrow or Alt-Page Down In the Reading pane, go to the next message
Spacebar In the Reading pane, scroll down through the text of a message
Shift-Spacebar In the Reading pane, scroll up through the text of a message
Creating items
Ctrl-Shift-M Create an email message
Ctrl-Shift-A Create an appointment
Ctrl-Shift-Q Create a meeting request
Ctrl-Shift-C Create a contact
Ctrl-Shift-L Create a contact group
Ctrl-Shift-X Create a fax
Ctrl-Shift-E Create a folder
Ctrl-Shift-P Create a Search Folder
Ctrl-Shift-K Create a task
Ctrl-Shift-U Create a task request (if you have an SMS account configured)
Ctrl-Shift-H Create a new Microsoft Office document
General shortcuts
Ctrl-Shift-Y Copy an item
Ctrl-Shift-V Move an item
Ctrl-F Forward an item
Ctrl-D Delete an item
Ctrl-Shift-G Flag for follow-up
F7 Check spelling
Ctrl-S Save (except in Tasks)
Alt-S Save and close (except in Mail)
Ctrl-Z Undo
Ctrl-P Print
Email shortcuts
Ctrl-Shift-I Go to Inbox
Ctrl-Shift-O Go to Outbox
Alt-S or Ctrl-Enter Send
Ctrl-P Print
Ctrl-R Reply to a message
Ctrl-Shift-R Reply All to a message
Ctrl-F Forward a message
Ctrl-Alt-F Forward as attachment
Ctrl-Alt-J Mark a message as not junk
Ctrl-Shift-I Display blocked external content (in a message)
Ctrl-Shift-N Apply Normal style
Ctrl-M or F9 Check for new messages
Up arrow Go to the previous message
Down arrow Go to the next message
Ctrl-N Create a new message (when in Mail)
Ctrl-Shift-M Create a new message (from any Outlook view)
Ctrl-O Open a message
Ctrl-Shift-B Open the Address Book
Insert Add a Quick Flag to an unopened message
Ctrl-Shift-G Display the Flag for Follow Up dialog box
Ctrl-Q Mark a message as read
Ctrl-U Mark a message as unread
F4 Find or replace in an open message
Shift-F4 Find next in an open message
Alt-Enter Show the properties for the selected item
Ctrl-B Display Send/Receive progress (when a Send/Receive is in progress)
Source: Microsoft

Preston Gralla is a contributing editor for Computerworld.com and the author of more than 35 books, including How the Internet Works (Que, 2006). See more by Preston Gralla on Computerworld.com.


Copyright © 2012 IDG Communications, Inc.

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